The New York State Board of Regents Policy states that LEP students are held to the same high standards and expectations as all students. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment in all classrooms serving LEP students are to be aligned with the New York State standards in the core areas.
All incoming students whose native language is other than English will be evaluated for English proficiency and if necessary, tested with the English Language Assessment Battery (LAB). The LAB assesses a student’s level of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. According to the teacher evaluation and raw test score (number of correct items), it will be determined if a student needs ESL instruction. If ESL instruction is found to be needed, further testing by the teacher will be done to determine the level of instruction.
According to state guidelines, students must score at or below the designated scores in order to be eligible for ESL instruction:
Grade Test Level Raw Score
K I 47
1st I 49
2nd I 54
3rd II 73
4th II 78
5th II 80
6th III 95
7th III 101
8th III 103
9th IV 96
10th IV 99
11th IV 101
12th IV 102
In accordance to state regulations, these students will be placed in ESL, an intensive English course with the goal being to bring a student’s communicative, functional, and academic language proficiency to a level where full time enrollment in all mainstream classes is possible. In ESL, vocabulary and mathematics and science terminology will be stressed to enable a student to understand these classes faster. Students will be gradually placed in all academic classes as soon as they are ready.
ESL Progress Reports are sent to parents at the end of each trimester.
Following the requirements of the New York State Board of Regents, students will receive a minimum of the following daily English classes according to their proficiency level:
Elementary and Junior High Students
ESL English Language Arts Total
Beginning 2 0 2
Intermediate 2 0 2
Advanced 1 1 2
High School Students
ESL English Language Arts Total
Beginning 3 0 3
Intermediate 2 0 2
Advanced 1 1 2
Students will be evaluated at the beginning of the school year, and at the end of each trimester.
ESL Promotion Policy
Razi School stands by the State’s policy that LEP students are to be held to the same standards and expectations as all students, therefore, in order for an elementary or junior high ESL student to be promoted at the end of the school year, he/she must receive passing grades in the mainstream English Language Arts and Mathematics classes and pass all state required exams. A high school student must pass all major courses: English, science, social studies, and math according to New York State Board of Regents requirements.
Students who do not meet the course standards may take Summer School classes at an accredited summer school to make up the failed grade