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Writer's pictureSasha Eck

October Newsletter

October has reached its midway point and the students have taken the PSAT/NMSQT as a practice SAT. With most colleges needing a high SAT score, any practice they can get will help get them one step closer to an amazing school. One of the main troubles with the SAT is time management, so the students are given a minimal amount of time to complete each section and manage to pull through to the very end. After certain periods, they are allowed to go back to a previous section and quickly fill in

any spaces left blank, since there is no specific penalty for guessing, you’re better off writing something than to leave it empty. The SAT demands many test taking skills from start to finish and they’re all challenged throughout the three hour long exam.

- Anis Shady

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October each year to raise awareness for the disease and its effects. Razi School makes sure to take part in this commemoration every year. Everyone was urged to come into school wearing pink that day, and this came with a two dollar fee. The school was decorated with pink ribbons and beautiful fliers. We kicked the day off with a presentation by two seniors in our morning assembly. They gave a quick background of Pink Day and its severity, probability, and the effect it has on people. During our breaks in the school day, downstairs was offering a bit of fun and a treat. In the lunchroom, there were walls of pink decoration. Pink ribbons and pink treats were being sold, and there was also the painting of faces, which also came at a cost. Everywhere you looked, there was pink! Of course, all this money being collected was being put to a good cause, where it was all donated to the Susan G. Komen breast cancer organization.

- Tijan Ahmad

In Razi School, test week describes the period at the end of the semester when students take their quarterly tests for their courses. Test week usually takes place in mid-October, mid-December, mid-march, and June. These tests, commonly referred to as ‘midterms and finals,’ are usually taken by students in Razi School four times a year. The tests in this week refer to a summative assessment, usually an exam, which students write at the end of the academic quarter. This period is where students apply their knowledge accumulated through the semester in a specific context. In late October, razi students experienced the first test week of the 2021-2022 school year. It was the basis for report cards handed out in November 8th.

- Ali Saab

College Fair October 2021

Due to Covid, most colleges are now either holding tour college fairs on their websites or certain virtual sessions. This year Razi’s seniors gathered themselves for two in school, virtual, and college fairs. On October 15, 2021 we held our St. John’s University College Fair with Jillian Perota. After, we held our John Jay College fair with Sara Eletr. Both representatives were very helpful in informing us about admission, academic programs, financial aid, and campus activities.

Students were encouraged to register via Zoom for 140+ sessions in a variety of college fairs with COALITION FOR COLLEGES, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION COUNSELING (NACAC), and NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION COUNSELING (NYSACAC). These sessions were held at different timings during separate days.

Razi students will always take a serious approach in planning towards their next chapter for college life.

Sr. Tijan Isleem


As we passed through the month of September and October, a noticeable temperature change was made. It first came with the chilly breezes, to the freezing rainy days. Now every time you walk out of the house you have to wear a jacket or your teeth will chatter and shivers will wreck your body. So keep in mind keeping warm is the key to prevent you from, getting sick, and taking breaks from school. So let this be a reminder to wear your jacket and keep your body heat stable!!!

- Sanjeda Neha

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